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The ZiPSorter was designed to help print and mail customers sort their processed mail faster and with less labor.  Offsetting the mail pieces for zip code and mail tray breaks provides a visual clue to the operator for ease of traying.

The ZipSorter has also been used with packaging equipment for fixed batch counting on the delivery end of wrappers, poly-baggers, and more.

There is no need to replace existing equipment.  ZipSorter positions inline with your existing equipment and with the low profile delivery nose, the shingled products waterfall onto your existing conveyors.

ZipSorter Brochure
ZipSorter Videos

Call 763-546-9078 to learn more

New Equipment

Output Technology, Inc. | 7145 Boone Ave N, Suite 180 | Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 | T. (763) 546-9078

©2003-2025 | Output Technology, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

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